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Real Stories, Real Success

Discover the transformative journeys of individuals just like you who have embraced their potential with Hustle & Rise Academy. Our client success stories showcase the powerful impact of mindset and confidence coaching, featuring personal accounts of breakthroughs and triumphs. Each story is a testament to the courage, resilience, and determination that propels our clients toward their dreams.


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Client Stories

Inspiring Words from Our Clients

Our clients have shared their transformative experiences with us, highlighting the positive impact of our coaching programs and workshops on their lives.

Anika, A

Private Tutor

In just a short space of time; with the strategies and tools Coach Dan has given me; I know financially my life will change but also my mindset towards myself, my money habits and my lifetime goals. 

Sherine - Social Worker

Accessing Coach Dan's lives on tiktok and this course is part of my journey of self care and self growth, her authenticity and delivery is top tier and relatable and I can only thank her for her vision and sharing her knowledge with others.

Attended the Breakfree Blueprint - Overcoming your Limiting Beliefs Workshop.

The Break Free Blueprint workshop I attended today was absolutely amazing, I shared & I received profound awareness and insight to challenges that I now know are temporary but most of all the sister-hood and like minded individuals wanting to be the change they want to see top tier. Definitely booking the next one attitude of gratitude Lavinia

Michelle Jean-Marie

The workshop shared practical strategies for approaching the challenges I am currently facing. It was women being their authentic selves because of the safe space created by Coach Dan. At times, I felt emotionally overwhelmed as I realised that although I am on my own journey, I am not actually alone. The realisation that although everything that has happened may not have been of my own doing, but I am able to turn it around just moved me to another mindspace. You could hear these things a hundred times, but when it comes from someone who has been there that is when the connection happens. Thank you Coach Dan for being you, this allowed me to meet and experience you just when I needed to.
Image by Ella Jardim
I found that the impact this workshop has has for the amount of time we spent is absolutely amazing. I was a women who was literally stuck in a rot, carrying burdens, running away from problems. Although I have joined coach Dan's lives regularly and found them extremely useful this workshop was different in that we got very targeted information, practical steps/tools, resources and just having that interaction with coach Dan was very beneficial. She is a amazing coach with a life-changing framework. Literally I was crying at every little problem because I was so overwhelmed but now I am solving every problem that comes my way wether it be within the household, family, childrearing, business. I'm just as coach Dan says unstuck and unstoppable. It's like a fire has been lit, there isn't a problem I am confronted with that I don't feel equipped to meet which is also having a boost on my self esteem and confidence too! I am no longer making rushed emotional decisions, I have clarity and the working knowledge of what could be triggering a lot of my behaviours! Really looking to more and working with coach Dan,she's amazing!


Ready to Transform Your Mindset and Confidence?

If you’re ready to take the next step in your journey towards greater mindset and confidence, I’m here to help. At Hustle & Rise Academy, we offer tailored Mindset & Confidence Coaching that empowers you to overcome challenges, achieve your goals, and create a life of success and fulfilment. Let’s work together to unlock your full potential and create the life you’ve always dreamed of!

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