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Writer's pictureDanielle Guy

5 Strategies for Letting Go and Getting Out of Your Own Way - 5 Journal exercises included

We all have moments in life when we feel stuck or can’t seem to move forward. It’s easy to get in our own heads and start doubting our abilities or second-guessing our decisions. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are five ways to get out of your own way and keep progressing:

1. Change Your Mindset – It’s easy to become so focused on the things holding us back that we forget to think about the things that can help us move forward. Start by shifting your mindset to focus on the positive and take small steps each day to move closer to your goals.

Journal exercise - Write down 3 things that you are grateful for and why, alongside this write down 3 positive affirmations to cheer you on in your life.

Anytime you feel yourself focusing on things that hold you back you will be armed with some positive power in your back pocket. It's time to start challenging the thoughts that hold you back from achieving your goals.

Here are a few affirmation examples:

"I am worthy"

"I am successful"

"I am confident"

What personal affirmations aka new beliefs will you create today?

2. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone – Challenging yourself and pushing your boundaries can be a great way to get out of your own head. Take a new class, start a new project, or try something new. This will help you grow and gain valuable experience and confidence.

Journal exercise - Write a list of all the things that you have wanted to learn, try and explore. It's time for you to start going on some new adventures and making some new memories. You may not know what you want to do with your life because you haven't tried it yet!

3. Take Time to Reflect – It’s important to take time to really think about where you are in your life and how to move forward. Ask yourself the hard questions, be honest with yourself, and create an action plan. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

Journal exercise - What does personal success mean to you? It's ok to not know the full picture, be honest with yourself and dig deeper.

4. Connect with Others – Surround yourself with people who will lift you up and support you. Having a strong network of people who understand and believe in you can be a huge help when you’re feeling stuck.

Journal exercise - Have you got a solid network? When you are feeling low, uninspired and unmotivated who do you go to and why?

5. Take Care of Yourself – It’s easy to forget to take care of yourself when feeling overwhelmed. But, it’s important to ensure you’re doing things that make you feel good. Spend time with friends, take a break from work, go for a walk, do something creative. All of these things can help you stay motivated and focused.

Journal exercise - Write a list of 10 things you could do to take care of yourself and schedule them in. It's your job to create a place of peace in your life and look after yourself. Remember you are never too busy to look after yourself, it's time to make self-care a priority.

Below are some ideas you could add to your list:

1. Wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual and have some “me time” to reflect on the day ahead.

2. Take a walk in nature, or exercise for 30 minutes.

3. Have a nutritious breakfast and drink a glass of water.

4. Listen to some relaxing music or an audiobook.

5. Take a break in the middle of the day to do some stretching or yoga.

6. Eat lunch away from your desk and enjoy a healthy meal.

7. Spend time outdoors in the evening, whether it’s just a stroll or a bike ride.

8. Unplug from electronics for at least an hour before bedtime.

9. Journal for 10 minutes before going to sleep.

10. Get a good night’s rest and set your alarm for the next day.

Getting out of your own way doesn’t have to be difficult. It takes some effort and a shift in thinking, but it’s possible. Start by changing your mindset, challenging yourself, reflecting, connecting with others, and caring for yourself. You’ll be able to move forward and start making progress.

We hope this post will be helpful to you and that it will help you to start living your life according to your own terms. If you think someone else would benefit from reading it, please share it with them.

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