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Break Free Blueprint Coaching Package

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Transform Your Life with Coach Dan 

Are you ready to break free from what's holding you back and step into a life of purpose, resilience, and limitless possibilities? The Break Free Blueprint Coaching Package is designed to help you overcome obstacles, cultivate a growth mindset, and achieve your personal and professional goals.

It's time to stop playing small!

You want change and I want to help you facilitate that change. You have so much to give to the world you just need to get out of your own way. I know you're tired of not keeping to your word, stopping/starting your goals, talking negatively to yourself and feeling like you never achieve anything. Well, I'm here to tell you, you can achieve whatever you want. You see it all starts and ends with you. The change happens when you decide to change and the magic really begins. It infurates me that we are not taught Mindset education in schools it would solve a lot of the problems we face today.


Lack of self-belief, procrastination, limiting beliefs, lack of self-trust, lack of self-confidence. The list could go on for days, it often feels like you are running into a brick wall. Fear not there is hope and I want to help you tackle these challenges and create a life you love with intention. Now that is the true definition of soft life, peace and contentment. It's time for you to carve out your personal success plan, achieve your goals and live life on your terms. If you are ready to stop playing small and take a chance on yourself the Break Free Blueprint is for you!

Transform your life in just 12 weeks 

Our 12-week 1-1 coaching package uses the ADCA framework (Assess, Develop, Create, Apply) to guide you through a transformative journey. Here’s what each week entails:

  • Assess:

    • Weeks 1-3: Identify your current mindset and limiting beliefs. Conduct a thorough assessment of your goals and challenges.

  • Develop:

    • Weeks 4-6: Develop new perspectives and strategies to shift your mindset. Learn techniques to foster resilience and self-confidence.

  • Create:

    • Weeks 7-9: Create actionable plans and set SMART goals. Develop habits that support your growth and success.

  • Apply:

    • Weeks 10-12: Apply the strategies and techniques learned. Evaluate progress and adjust plans as necessary to ensure continued growth.

Image by Thought Catalog

Why choose the break free blueprint?

Personalised Coaching: Tailored sessions to meet your unique needs and goals.

Proven Framework: The ADCA framework ensures a comprehensive and effective approach to personal development.

Expert Guidance: Benefit from Coach Dan's experience and structured approach, delivered with humour, grace, and strength.

Young Businesswomen


Invest in your future with flexiable payment options

 Walk away with....

A renewed sense of purpose, unshakable self-belief, and the practical tools needed to shape your destiny, achieve your goals, and lead a life of fulfilment and empowerment.

Pay in full

Pay a discounted rate if you pay all at once

4 x monthly payment 

Spread the cost over 4 months.

By investing in this package, you are paying for 10 sessions and getting 2 sessions free!

Shift in Mindset

You will experience a fundamental shift in your mindset, transitioning from limiting beliefs to a growth-oriented perspective. This transformation empowers you to approach challenges with resilience, view setbacks as opportunities for growth, and cultivate a positive and empowering mental outlook.

Clarity of Purpose

Through the coaching programme, you will gain a deeper understanding of your values, passions, and long-term goals. This newfound clarity of purpose allows you to align your actions with your authentic selves, leading to a more meaningful and purpose-driven life.

Breakthrough from Limitations

The programme guides you in identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns. By breaking free from these constraints, you can unlock their true potential, paving the way for personal and professional growth that may have seemed unattainable before.

Creation of an Intentional Life

Ultimately, the Break Free Blueprint Coaching Programme empowers participants to design and create a life that aligns with their values and aspirations. This intentional living involves setting and achieving meaningful goals, fostering positive habits, and cultivating a sense of fulfillment in various aspects of life.

Your Transformation starts here...


"Coach Dan is an excellent, educated professional who is making massive moves in this realm of discovery. Many of us are stuck in an age of the 'lost generation' and she is bridging the gap of feeling lost by creating these workshops. She gives us a space to be in the right place to be found. Dan has women at the forefront of her heart, and it is felt. She combines a structured approach with witty, straight-talking answers and classic 'one-liners.' Dan knows how to encourage softness and strength, delivering everything with grace, humour, and strength." – Gee


The workshop shared practical strategies for approaching the challenges I am currently facing. It was women being their authentic selves because of the safe space created by Coach Dan. At times, I felt emotionally overwhelmed as I realised that although I am on my own journey, I am not actually alone. The realisation that although everything that has happened may not have been of my own doing, but I am able to turn it around just moved me to another mind space. You could hear these things a hundred times, but when it comes from someone who has been there that is when the connection happens. Thank you Coach Dan for being you, this allowed me to meet and experience you just when I needed to.


Sharon, M

The ADCA Model is easy to remember and also easy to apply to any area of your life. I think it starts with being true to yourself and answering these powerful questions in an honest and authentic way. I'm looking forward to getting started on my Action Plan to see what this brings up for me.

Keilly, F

Honestly, this course has been life-changing for me. I have a tonne of notes which I'm going to polish up and run through the course again. It's definitely a resource I'll come back to again and again. I'm kinda gutted it's finished! haha! x

Anika, A

In just a short space of time; with the strategies and tools Coach Dan has given me; I know financially my life will change but also my mindset towards myself, my money habits and my lifetime goals. 

Ready to Break Free?

Take the first step towards a life of empowerment and growth. Book a discovery call to get started with your Break Free Blueprint Coaching Package today and unlock your full potential. Click the button below to schedule your call.

By joining the Break Free Blueprint, you are choosing a path of transformation and empowerment. Don’t let your limiting beliefs hold you back any longer – it’s time to break free and soar to new heights with Coach Dan.

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