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My story....

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Your journey of personal growth is as unique as you are. No matter where you're at right now, the right strategies can help you navigate challenges, unlock your potential, and create the life you've always wanted. Don't feel this is all there is to life because you are a being with limitless potential, you just have to learn how to tap into your power.

"you are not a rock, you can move"



I'm Coach Dan 

Lovely to meet you! It's time to rewrite your story from self-doubt to self-self-belief and I'm here to walk that journey with you.

As a once-doubtful dreamer myself, I understand the struggles of battling inner uncertainties. But through my own transformative journey, I've discovered the power within to break free from limitations and thrive.

Now, as your dedicated Mindset & Empowerment Coach at Hustle & Rise Academy, I'm committed to empowering ambitious women like you to conquer self-doubt and step into your power. With personalised guidance and unwavering support, let's rewrite your story into one of confidence and self-love.

    Image by Arnel Hasanovic

    Overcome Self-doubt

    Coach Dan provides personalised guidance and strategies to help you silence your inner critic and build unshakable confidence.

    Goal Achievment

    With Coach Dan's support, you'll develop actionable plans and accountability systems to turn your dreams into achievable goals and tangible results.

    Mindset Mastery

    Coach Dan empowers you to cultivate a growth mindset, enabling you to navigate challenges with resilience and unlock your full potential for success.

    My Journey to Empowerment and the Birth of Hustle & Rise Academy

    I am currently embarking on my ICF ACC Mindset Coach Certification after over 10 years of coaching. Recently, I took a bold leap of faith, leaving behind a 19-year finance career to pursue coaching full-time.


    As a young mum, I faced countless challenges while striving to balance motherhood, a career, and my dreams. Despite the hurdles, I was determined to carve out a path of success and fulfilment.


    After over 20 years of studying mindset and personal development, I yearned for more. This insatiable desire for growth and transformation led me to establish Hustle & Rise Academy—a space dedicated to empowering ambitious women like you to rise above their circumstances and create lives filled with intention and purpose.


    Through years of self-discovery and perseverance, I've honed the ADCA approach—Assess, Develop, Create, Apply—a powerful framework designed to help you step into your power. With each challenge I faced, I learned valuable lessons about resilience, self-discovery, and the importance of aligning with one's core values.


    Now, as a dedicated Mindset & Empowerment Coach, I'm passionate about sharing my journey and empowering others to embark on their own paths of growth and transformation. Hustle & Rise Academy is more than just a platform—it's a community of ambitious women committed to rising above their circumstances and creating lives filled with intention, empowerment, and pride.


    Welcome to Hustle & Rise Academy, the School for Mindset & Personal Development. Here, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and mindset mastery together. Let's rise above our challenges, embrace our superpowers, and craft lives that truly resonate with our deepest desires and values. Keep rising, my friend!

    Coach Dan xx


    Sharon, M

    The ADCA Model is easy to remember and also easy to apply to any area of your life. I think it starts with being true to yourself and answering these powerful questions in an honest and authentic way. I'm looking forward to getting started on my Action Plan to see what this brings up for me.

    Keilly, F

    Honestly, this course has been life-changing for me. I have a tonne of notes which I'm going to polish up and run through the course again. It's definitely a resource I'll come back to again and again. I'm kinda gutted it's finished! haha! x

    Anika, A

    In just a short space of time; with the strategies and tools Coach Dan has given me; I know financially my life will change but also my mindset towards myself, my money habits and my lifetime goals. 

    Why I do it!

    In a world filled with limitless possibilities, I firmly believe that every woman deserves the opportunity to thrive and lead a life of purpose and fulfilment. 

    Through my own journey of personal growth and overcoming obstacles, I've discovered the transformative power of mindset and intentional living. 

    It's my passion and purpose to share these insights and strategies with others, guiding them on their own path to greatness. I'm driven by the belief that with the right mindset and support, anyone can break free from limitations, achieve their goals, and create the life they truly desire

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    "I knew I wanted to help women follow their dreams, set goals and actually see results"


    Get to know me

    What is your favourite cuisine or type of food, and why does it appeal to you?

    i love seafood, lobster & prawns are my favorite

    How do you like to spend your weekends or free time?

    brunching, spending time with my husband, hobbies, friends and family 

    What is a memorable experience or accomplishment that you are proud of?

    being the first person to go to uni in my family


    Why ADCA?

    The ADCA Approach, aka the secret sauce – Assess, Develop, Create, and Apply – is the heart and soul of how I roll in coaching. It's not just a method; it's like having a GPS for your self-discovery and empowerment journey. We kick things off by sizing up where you're at, digging into your goals, and facing those challenges head-on. Then, it's all about crafting custom strategies and plans to supercharge your growth. The creation phase? That's where we bring those plans to life. Application is where the magic happens – integrating those killer skills and mindsets into your daily flow. ADCA isn't just a roadmap; it's your ticket to unlock your power, break free from the blah, and dive into a life that's not just fulfilling but bursting with purpose and peace.


    Assess: We begin by assessing your current situation, understanding your challenges, and identifying your aspirations.


    Develop: We work together to develop tailored strategies and action plans to help you achieve your goals.


    Create: You'll create actionable plans based on your aspirations, and I'll provide guidance every step of the way.


    Apply: The key to transformation is applying what you've learned. We'll help you incorporate new practices into your daily life.

    Image by Alyssa Strohmann
    “Dan has been an incredible life and wealth mentor through her open minded, well educated and supportive attitude. She has taught me a lot about the potential i have in different paths of life, whether that be financially and educating me around being “money smart” or even how to excel through work. I have been so lucky to have Dan on board with me as she has taught me so much and has really supported me when i have felt a little lost! Cannot wait to continue exploring these paths with her through her work and anyone who gets the same opportunity is certainly a very lucky person. "

    Nicole, S - London

    "you cannot solve a problem with the same mindset that created it" 

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